This was my lifeguard assignment for Beech. Got host's choice but 5th place.
Hitched Assignment 5: Temptation.
OSM Assignment 7: Playful Got 2nd and a place in the finale
Finale Exotic shot. It was inspired from a RL photoshoot I saw online.
The second half of the finale Old Hollywood. I did alittle hair drawing to give the hair a more hair-like appearance.
And lastly my most recent Pink assignment.
Still very busy with stuff. BL2 is coming to a close after almost a week long extension. Have to work on Beech, Hitched, Pink, getting a model for Glamour, Enamour articles, setting things up for Enamoured which is Enamour's official modeling comp which will begin next month. And finally making my simself into a demon for Nim's Demon comp. :)