Wednesday, June 29, 2011
No Title I have no title for this so yeah. Anyways I've got my game running, when it will crash time will only tell. I let it run through the night and nothings happening. I've got one modeling assignment that I am going to make wait for now because I *NEED* to do BP and update my legacy. The legacy being the most important. So I'm planning to spend sometime this afternoon taking pics for my legacy. I'm hoping to get a few chapters worth. So those of you who prepared for possible massive updates! :D
Monday, June 27, 2011
Well Shit...
So my computer is spazzin whenever I open my sims Game. I'm so completely bummed. I have competitions to do and obviously having no access to my sims game is making that hard. My game is crashing my entire computer ever since I downloaded some bad sims for BP. I had to drop Feli's comp which made me really sad because of having too much on my plate. I've had to get an extension in one of Beech's comps and may have to for Hot or Not too. :( At least I got two assignments done before it freaked today. So I've gotta spend some time figuring out whats up with my game. May mean no BP for a while.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
What I've been up to.
Okay. No more comps. Only gigs I'm taking for a while will be Judging ones. I'm going to finish up the comps I'm in and either stop for a while or severely limit myself. Some things that are important to me have been getting lost because of too many comps. Like my Legacy. I've also been actually playing my game and I'm remembering how much I enjoy the sims without having to worry about work. Anyways what I worked on today.
One Shot. Romance as a theme.
Pink. High Fashion in Nature. I'm actually really proud of this though I can see some flaws.
Otherwise just been working on ideas for Enamour and recruiting people. (PEN JOIN! LOL) and waiting for new assignments.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Boring Stuff, Promise.
So boring update really. Just updating to do so. First, our Pen is away this weekend v.v making us sad. We miss you, Pen! <3
Next, I do realize that the statement "pen is" looks like penis..but resist the urge to mention this. lol Anyways some modeling photos for you guys...
Next, I do realize that the statement "pen is" looks like penis..but resist the urge to mention this. lol Anyways some modeling photos for you guys...
This is for Beech. Amara modeling a polka-dot bikini on the beach.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Jenelle portraying a ticket scalper.
Hitched entry. Raif and Moira realizing they are in love <3
And last, Hot or Not. Codi full body with a lighting effect added. I used softglow.
Anyways, I'm thinking when I'm done with the comps this time around I may take a break from that stuff. Actually play the game...I honestly just don't play it anymore...and sometimes I just feel the fun has been taken out of it..but I do enjoy modeling ^-^ I'll still do magazine stuffs too.
Speaking of magazine stuff, Enamour is really getting off the ground. We've filled a about 8+ positions. ^.^
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
So. much. to. do...
So I've counted it out finally. I went from 7 comps to 6 after dropping Flux...I'm judging 2 now, hosting 1, and I've joined Sensation as a Fashion Guru so yay! I'm also co-editor of upcoming magazine: Enamour Magazine with Miss Cait (aka Ninjakay). So I'm busy busy busy. Right now as far as assignments go I've got Hitched and Beech to do but I've got some time so I'm going to take it. Scores should be done soon for Hot or Not and OSM so then I'll have more assignments. Scoring for AAM will be upon me soon as well. But why worry about what has yet to come? LOL.
My Pink Assignment. Overall proud of it :D
My Hitched assignment. Got 5th, which given who I am competing with not so bad...but I can do better. :)
A random photo I took of Codi. Love it. Hehe Pose is TumTum's new girly poses, which BTW I LOVE!
Also, I finally updated my legacy today so yay for that!
Anyways as far as personal updates go, Nate and I are thinking of taking the boys to the OMaha zoo next weekend, hopefully hubby's fire check turns out to be a nice one..which is should since he worked Lazerfest which was like 15 hours. Otherwise nothing too special going on.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Post 2 of today!
I'm so awesome I'm going to post twice today...though technically today is yesterday and its now today which is tomorrow. Don't be confused. :)
My One Shot photo..supposed to be Sassy.
Hot or Not Nude in Nature. I adore this! Fun fact, Codi was wearing undies before I edited them out.
Also I'm now part of the bitchin' magazine team, Sensation. :) Wooot. BTW, Pen, I'm stalking you! <3
Sunday, June 12, 2011
SO I've got a project underway..actually a couple, so yay! Getting ready to work on all of my modeling photos, play me some gens, and do some crazy fun stuff today. Or any way I hope. I'm kinda draggin ass and tired because I decided to drink last night lol Just wanted to do an update cause well I can. :D
Friday, June 10, 2011
So um yeah..
Our apartment flooded last night and my hubby told the manager if there was an open upstairs apartment we wanted to move. So now we'll be moving to another building on the 2nd floor. Which is okay...I guess...I mean we're stuck here until November anyways..may as well not be flooded when we get one bad rain, right? Well he told the manager we will move in Sunday. So I'm alittle annoyed by this for a few reasons. One being he works all day Saturday so what he expects me to get everything packed up? And two we have no packing stuff or anything. Plus that leaves us very little time to get things arranged. Well I guess he thinks we will just make ten thousand trips with small armloads of things. Men. Pft.
On Sims notes..loving Generations! I love that it pretty much just made what was already there alittle more fun. But with what happened last night I am even less driven to do assignments. Contemplating the Flux situation and may just drop that even though I *hate* dropping. I'm freed up alittle more as far as judging. She's Got the Look ended. BL2 has 3 more assignments and then that will be at an end. I've got Hot or Not to do, One Shot, Hitched, Flux if I decide for it, aaaaaaaaand scoring for AAM.
Also as those of you who chat on Unbound regularly know, Flux Living has ended, therefore I am magazineless for now. Which makes me sad because I loved working on the magazine. I'm just kinda mad that all the work I put into the articles for last issue just vanished into thin air when Beth cancelled the magazine. I mean, most of you work on Magazines. Its not easy. It takes time and effort.
Anyway, thanks for sitting through my spcheil there.
On Sims notes..loving Generations! I love that it pretty much just made what was already there alittle more fun. But with what happened last night I am even less driven to do assignments. Contemplating the Flux situation and may just drop that even though I *hate* dropping. I'm freed up alittle more as far as judging. She's Got the Look ended. BL2 has 3 more assignments and then that will be at an end. I've got Hot or Not to do, One Shot, Hitched, Flux if I decide for it, aaaaaaaaand scoring for AAM.
Also as those of you who chat on Unbound regularly know, Flux Living has ended, therefore I am magazineless for now. Which makes me sad because I loved working on the magazine. I'm just kinda mad that all the work I put into the articles for last issue just vanished into thin air when Beth cancelled the magazine. I mean, most of you work on Magazines. Its not easy. It takes time and effort.
Anyway, thanks for sitting through my spcheil there.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Woot Woot!
So I got Generations last night. I installed it and the new patch about an hour ago and it only took like 10 minutes so I'm hopeful that that will be a good sign for the game! I'll be headed off to play it after this actually! Went on a date with Hubs last night and he surprised me with the game, best darn surprise I could ask for besides like a million bucks! LOL I'm wrapping up TS3 Bridal Plasty Season 1 tonight, and will be beginning Season 2 shortly after a home remodel. I did horribly with my last Beech modeling assignment, I'm hoping this next time around is a LOT better.
With Model Amara Langston (in background Rischa & Brenn)
Finally got up the new assignment for BL2...debating on a third cycle...right now I'm not leaning towards the idea. I cancelled Passport because it was generating alot of interest and I'm struggling to find time for it anyhow. Now my to do list includes Hitched assignment, Flux assignment, Legacy update, finish up BP season 1, start Season 2, and make a decision about Beginner's Luck.
Also waiting for Twallan's site to be available so I can update my mods.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Is it just me or...
Is it just me or are the Officials like officially dead? Especially the Sims & Modeling area? Oh the wonderful world of the Officials. Sooo I'm really wanting gens and I'm so bummed that I still don't have it, especially with everyone talking about it and such. Not that I'd be playing it right now with my game crashing on me. Works one it doesn't. I dunno what to do.
Got scores for Hitched...I totally blew lol. After posting it I realized that it wasn't my best and I shouldn't of put it out there. Hopefully I can redeem myself this round. We'll see.
And I think I over slept because I know I got enough sleep and I'm still exhausted! Maybe my body just isn't used to the late nights anymore, eh. Working on getting my game up and going long enough to snag some pictures. Seacrest out!
Oh wait that's not me..hehe! :D
Got scores for Hitched...I totally blew lol. After posting it I realized that it wasn't my best and I shouldn't of put it out there. Hopefully I can redeem myself this round. We'll see.
And I think I over slept because I know I got enough sleep and I'm still exhausted! Maybe my body just isn't used to the late nights anymore, eh. Working on getting my game up and going long enough to snag some pictures. Seacrest out!
Oh wait that's not me..hehe! :D
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Lazy Day
Yeah, so after staying up til 3am last night on Unbound, hehe, I am tired today. At least I got to sleep until 8:30 rather than 7:30. ^.^
Anyways I've spent the last couple hours working on my entry for Pink and I am so super proud of it! I created a new model just for the comp, which is run by Bliss, as you guys know.
Anyways I've spent the last couple hours working on my entry for Pink and I am so super proud of it! I created a new model just for the comp, which is run by Bliss, as you guys know.
So I present Rischa Laruence, my cute little barbie doll model since she's blonde and adores pink hehe.
This was my overall product (you can click to make it bigger).
Click to Enlarge. <3
I'm a huge fan of color-popping..but I don't do it too often cause once in a while is enough.
Overall I like this one but I think it's my least fav of the 4.
This is my favorite. :) One of the best headshots I've done yet. Make it bigger, looks better!
Anyways, the last one showcases Rischa wonderfully. She's a cutie, she loves pink, and she's a fan of leopard print..if you couldn't tell. hehe. I think she is quickly becoming my new favorite model. What I did to each picture was smoothed the skin (an obsession now! lol), In the first one I fixed a huge kink in the dress (can't even tell huh? hehe) caused by the pose, so its normal now. In the second one I just did the color pop effect, third I drew on make up and added lashes. And the last one I added lashes, drew on make up, added the feathers (which is my favorite part).
Now that I'm done with that I'm going to be lazy for the day because well I can..and I'll probably have another late night with the Unbound ladies. hehe
Friday, June 3, 2011
Whew..big weight gone!
So I totally feel better. Whatever was going on fixed itself and I was able to complete modeling assignments.
That fun little number is for Beech's One Shot Modeling. I'm using my LBB model Brenn. The assignment was Psychadelic- like wild colors and stuff.
I LOVE this one! This is for Beech's Hot or Not Assignment 6 Black & White. It's simple but I'm extremely proud of it. I use my model Codi who was created for Hot or Not Cycle 1 :)
And this would be my Flux Modeling Entry (hosted by Beth). And model is Jenelle who was created for Kween's couple competition. Theme is grunge..but I am totally NOT good with that.
This was my alternative shot for Flux...but decided due to some boot issues to go with the one I did.
Now that those modeling assignments are done and I've done my scores for Queen Bee, I've got to do scores for AAM & Kween's Boutique, I've got to do the finale for TS3 Bridal Plasty Season 1. Revamp the house to do the intro for Season 2. Waiting on scores of Beech's Swimsuit Comp, and have to make a model for Bliss' Pink. *sigh* so much to do it seems, but at least alot of the work work is done. Think I'm gonna relax back and do my Pink model...and try to not get so distracted with chatting with you awesome ladies & gents at Unbound. hehe
Thursday, June 2, 2011
UGH. EA...
So if it isn't enough to not have the drive to get into the game. I'm experiencing some crashing issues. Dunno why. I didn't update the latest patch because:
a) it hasn't prompted me to &
b) I don't have Generations yet
This isn't fun. On top of that I went to get into CAW today and do you think that could possibly work? Not on EA's watch..Because of the update it isn't working either. Of course still don't know why it's happening to me..Oh well. I've got an extension on Flux which is great cause I'll need it now.
Then I've got to do Hot or Not & One Shot, scoring for AAM, pimping my comp, scoring for Queen Bee. Working on my Bridal Plasty blog, and getting an update on my legacy. I dunno why I feel like I need to overload myself. Cause I'm at a point at the moment (with all other stresses not helping anything in the least) where I feel completely I just want to *poof* somewhere else. Can I scream? I think I will.
Thanks. I needed it. hehe. Maybe I'll go play some Guild Wars and shake off some of the simmy stress. This little rant helped some. :)
a) it hasn't prompted me to &
b) I don't have Generations yet
This isn't fun. On top of that I went to get into CAW today and do you think that could possibly work? Not on EA's watch..Because of the update it isn't working either. Of course still don't know why it's happening to me..Oh well. I've got an extension on Flux which is great cause I'll need it now.
Then I've got to do Hot or Not & One Shot, scoring for AAM, pimping my comp, scoring for Queen Bee. Working on my Bridal Plasty blog, and getting an update on my legacy. I dunno why I feel like I need to overload myself. Cause I'm at a point at the moment (with all other stresses not helping anything in the least) where I feel completely I just want to *poof* somewhere else. Can I scream? I think I will.
Thanks. I needed it. hehe. Maybe I'll go play some Guild Wars and shake off some of the simmy stress. This little rant helped some. :)
Uninspired & Looking
So first I've got to say I'm feeling a little uninspired lately. Could have a lot to do with my tension headaches. Hopefully those will be taken care of now though. I'm needing to do modeling comp stuff and I just can't even find the motivation to open my game. I mean I'm excited and all, I just need the push to open it up, then I'll be good. I just think it springs from my lack of idea for my Flux entry. *Sigh*
Well...I'm looking for contestants to entry my new modeling comp. I have about 6 or so but I'd like to reach 10 before officially starting. I guess if it comes down to it I could turn it non-elim..but we'll see. Looking for judges over on Unbound if anyone is interested! Pretty much all of the main sims & modeling community is over there so you should all know how to get there.
Well...I'm looking for contestants to entry my new modeling comp. I have about 6 or so but I'd like to reach 10 before officially starting. I guess if it comes down to it I could turn it non-elim..but we'll see. Looking for judges over on Unbound if anyone is interested! Pretty much all of the main sims & modeling community is over there so you should all know how to get there.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Hey Hey Waddaya Say?
Yeah, that was way lame. Anywhoo so many great simmers out there have blogs, so I finally decided to join all of you!
And my simming s/n is Ashpie88 which is why "A Slice of Ash Pie" is the title.
Get it? Slice of pie? Ashpie? LOL It's not dirty..I know at least 1 person's mind went there! :D
But welcome, feel free to follow I will totally keep it updated!
And my simming s/n is Ashpie88 which is why "A Slice of Ash Pie" is the title.
Get it? Slice of pie? Ashpie? LOL It's not dirty..I know at least 1 person's mind went there! :D
But welcome, feel free to follow I will totally keep it updated!
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